The Art of Building Lasting Client Relationships in Business


“Ever wondered why some businesses thrive while others struggle? The secret lies not just in what you’re selling, but in how you connect through strategies for cultivating lasting business relationships. Join us as we unravel the importance of building genuine relationships in business, beyond mere transactions. It’s about creating a community where strategic connections form […]

Mastering the Art of Estimating: Five Strategies to Save Time and Avoid Free Work


Have you ever poured hours into creating a meticulously detailed estimate, only for the client to glance at the total cost and declare it too steep? If so, you’re not alone. Like many contractors, I’ve faced the frustration of investing time and effort into estimates, only to have them dismissed with a cursory glance at […]

Filling the Void: Embracing the Opportunity in the Trades as Boomers Retire

Two generations

With millions of skilled tradespeople retiring, a vast opportunity unfolds for new small businesses. It’s your time to fill the gap and redefine the service industry. The retirement of an estimated 31 million skilled trade workers in 2020 has left a gaping hole in the industry​​. This phenomenon, known as the “Baby Boomer Exodus,” is […]

Transforming Construction Projects: An In-Depth Look at ConvoRally’s Features


In the dynamic landscape of construction management, having the right tools can be the difference between a project’s success and failure. With the plethora of management tools available today, it can be challenging to find one that truly caters to the specific needs of the construction industry. Enter ConvoRally – a revolutionary project management software […]

Exploring the Power of Real-Time Collaboration in Construction Management


Collaboration is a vital component of any successful construction project. Real-time collaboration can make a significant difference in the efficient completion of construction projects. But how does one achieve this level of collaboration? Meet ConvoRally – a project management platform designed specifically to enhance real-time collaboration in the construction industry. The Importance of Real-Time Collaboration […]