• Steve Batts

  • August 15, 2024


Resilience in Business: Lessons from Sticky Situations

Challenges Are About Perspective and Resilience in Business

One day, I stepped out of a store in the sweltering 95-degree heat and noticed something unusual—a piece of chewing gum stuck under my tire. The sight caught my attention, and I thought it was an interesting moment to capture with a photo. As I looked at the image later, it struck me as a powerful metaphor for the challenges we face in both business and life. This moment also reminded me of the importance of  learning how we can endure pressure, adapt, and bounce back from difficult situations.

Challenges Are About Perspective

At first glance, you might see this gum as a symbol of being crushed, pressured, strained, or pulled in various directions. But on the flip side, it also illustrates the ability to hold it together under tough circumstances, to stretch beyond limits, and to rebound despite the pressures of work and life. It’s a powerful reminder that how we perceive a challenge greatly influences our ability to overcome it. Research shows that a positive mindset is key to resilience, as described in this Psychology Today article on positive thinking.

Learning to Make Decisions Under Pressure Builds Resilience in Business

Whether self-employed or working for someone else, we all face situations that test our resilience. It’s all about perspective. Problems can be seen as frustrating, stressful, and overwhelming. Alternatively, we can choose to view them as exciting challenges that offer opportunities for growth and creativity. In my own journey, I’ve learned that I actually enjoy solving problems and thinking outside the box—something I now attribute to my ADHD, which I once considered a negative aspect of my life. Today, I see it as a gift that allows me to approach challenges from a different angle than most people. Developing strong problem-solving skills is critical for success in both life and business.

A New Perspective on Daily Tasks Helps in Building Resilience in Business


One lesson that has particularly resonated with me came from a TikTok video shared by Reese Witherspoon. In it, she talked about a perspective shift she had learned from someone else: instead of saying, “I have to do this,” try saying, “I get to do this.” This small change in wording can significantly alter how we approach our daily tasks, turning them from burdens into opportunities. I found this idea so powerful that I wanted to share it with others as well.

Final Thoughts: Framing Challenges for Growth

So, when you feel overwhelmed, stretched thin, or pulled in multiple directions, take a moment. Go for a walk, clear your mind, and reflect before making a decision. Remember, negative thoughts are a habit we can break. You have the opportunity to help someone, to solve a problem, to make a difference. How you frame your tasks matters.

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