From Triumph to Triumph: How Rebuilding a Car Shaped My Entrepreneurial Journey


From Triumph to Triumph: How Rebuilding a Car Shaped My Entrepreneurial Journey to Building ConvoRally When I was 14 years old, my father, a talented bricklayer, asked me a question that would change my life: “Are you interested in a car?” What red-blooded American boy would say no to that? I certainly didn’t. He took […]

Filling the Void: Embracing the Opportunity in the Trades as Boomers Retire

Two generations

With millions of skilled tradespeople retiring, a vast opportunity unfolds for new small businesses. It’s your time to fill the gap and redefine the service industry. The retirement of an estimated 31 million skilled trade workers in 2020 has left a gaping hole in the industry​​. This phenomenon, known as the “Baby Boomer Exodus,” is […]